Welcome to the Year of the Snake
A white jade bangle
A program about Jade
A rare and beautiful cobble of white jade
a beautiful cobble of white jade from Hetian
A talk on jade to the Royal Asiatic Society
A crab pendant in the fabled Hetian jade
Jade Bowl and Spoon
A new book about jade
In China, Confucius raved about jade, the ancient Olmecs of Central America treasured it far more than gold. Maori in New Zealand were so fond of it they killed and ate ten British sailors who tried to steal some of it. In more recent times, spoiled heiresses with more money than sense and hard nosed businessmen who should have known better squandered fortunes collecting it. If you want to know about the pirates who poisoned a man to get hold of it or how many slaves the Inuit would swap for a piece of it, then this is the book for you.
A 3000-year-old jade dagger
A perfectly preserved jade dagger carved more than three thousand years ago
My favourite piece of uncarved jade
A new jade discovery
A new jade discovery
Blessed with good fortune
Jade and Prisons
Chinese prisons offering lessons in jade carving
A jade amulet of protection
An amazing creation in jadeite
The times they are a’changing!
My sort of sofa
A coffee table and sofa made from jade
The sweetest jade
Apple green Wyoming slick. Private collection